Welcome to My Website!
Operating as an independent, full-time qualified professional freelancer, I offer a variety of high-quality culturally-attuned translation and bilingual-related services to assist my clients with bridging the intercultural communication gap between Chinese and English.
If you need any of these...
- Translation or transcreation of written texts
- Localisation and adaptation of written texts
for a specific target market/locale
- Transcription and/or translation of audio/video recordings
- Copyediting of English technical/scientific/business texts
- In-country medical linguistic validation
- Intercultural or bilingual communication consultancy
- Linguistic project management
Then I'm probably your natural partner!
Briefly, why me?
- Assessed by the Institute of Translation & Interpreting, UK (ITI) to be competent at translating at a professional level between Chinese and English and officially qualified to provide certified translations using the ITI seals for Chinese<>English
- Ethnic Chinese born, bred and educated entirely in a multilingual and multicultural society with English as the primary medium of communication
- 12+ years of living-and-working experience and immersion in a predominantly Chinese-speaking environment, namely mainland China and Taiwan
- Science and engineering educational background with substantial working experience in IT and specific fields
- Committed to providing quality service with attention to details
Read more to discover why these can
significantly benefit your linguistic or intercultural communication needs.
Interested? Find out more...
Check out the rest of this web site by navigating through the left menu panel to learn more about my services and why I may be the right person to assist you with your linguistic or intercultural communication requirements.
Qualified Member/Translator of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (MITI); Assessed language combinations: Chinese <> English
Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (MCIL)
Active/Voting Member of the American Translators Association (ATA) -- Click to view my ATA directory listing
Click to view the certificate
Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (MIEEE), as well as IEEE Professional Communication Society (PCS)
Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES)